Baby 1 Alex

9:29 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Lily was new to town and instead of her gardening all day, she decided to go out and meet her neighbors. She met a very attractive man named Giovani Mins (PRCreator) and she fell in love with his stunning looks.

They hit it off right away. Lily was mesmorized by his gorgeous eyes.
"you're really gorgeous", she told him.
"thanks" he said, blushing a little.

She then told him about the 100 baby challenge and that she wanted him to be the father of her first child. HE did not hesitate.

Not too long later Lily began feeling nauseated. She finally confirmed that she was indeed pregnant.

She tried to keep herself busy by gardening and writing. Before she new it, she was in labor.

Finally baby #1 Alex

Meet Lily Kennedy

5:51 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Lily Kennedy is a young adult ready to start a life in the world. She loves writing and gardening in her spare time.
She had hear so much about the 100 baby challenge. She especially loved Cadence's story. Read about her here:
and peaceluverr. You can read her story here:
Lily loved children but could she meet enough men to help her? Would she succeed?